Filing of price schedules required.

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(a) All manufacturers and distilleries offering for sale in the State alcoholic liquors other than beer or wine, shall file by January 15 of each year or within 30 days of the first time they become licensed in the State to sell such alcoholic liquors, a verified schedule, in writing, in the number of copies and on the form required by the Commissioner, which schedule shall contain the following information as to each item they are offering for sale at that time, in the State, by brand or trade name:

(1) The capacity of each package thereof so offered for sale;

(2) The nature of the contents thereof;

(3) The age and proof thereof where stated on the container label;

(4) The number of bottles thereof contained in a case of such items;

(5) The bottle and case price to the Delaware wholesaler or importer, which prices in each such instance shall be individual for each item and not in combination with any other item; and

(6) The discount given for quantity or time of payment, if any.

Any such schedule need not contain any such information as to any brand which is owned exclusively by a retailer and sold at retail in Delaware exclusively by such a retailer.

(b) Such schedule of prices or price of individual item need not be filed at any time other than provided for in subsection (a) of this section and need not be updated any time a manufacturer or distillery changes such prices between such required filing times.

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