Application; requirements.

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(a) The application for a license to manufacture or to import alcoholic liquor shall be made upon a blank form furnished by the Commissioner and shall state:

(1) The name, age, and previous occupation of an individual applicant or the name and description of a partnership, corporation, or other applicant organization;

(2) The location and description of the premises, located in this State, where it is proposed that such alcoholic liquor is to be manufactured or is to be stored by the importer prior to its resale in the State and whether the premises are owned or leased by the applicant and, if leased, the name of the owner thereof;

(3) The amount of capital proposed to be invested in the undertaking;

(4) The kind and approximate amount of alcoholic liquor proposed to be manufactured or imported;

(5) The approximate date on which it is proposed to start such manufacture or importation;

(6) Such other information as is required by the Commissioner.

(b) The individual signing the application for a license to manufacture or to import alcoholic liquor shall be over 21 years of age.

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