Supplier and representative licenses; delivery and storage at in-state warehouse.

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(a) Before any person sells any alcoholic liquor intended for importation into this State, such person shall procure from the Commissioner a supplier's license in the form to be prescribed by the Commissioner and shall pay therefor a biennial fee in the amount of $100 to be permitted to sell not more than 200 cases of alcoholic liquors for importation into the State during the calendar year or a biennial fee in the amount of $1,000 to be permitted to sell more than 200 cases of alcoholic liquors for importation into this State during the calendar year. This subsection shall not apply to any person licensed under subsection (b) of this section or to any person who either is licensed by the Commissioner and has a place of business in this State for the manufacture or sale of alcoholic liquors or is an officer, director, or employee of a person, licensed by the Commissioner, having a place of business in this State for the manufacture or sale of alcoholic liquors.

(b) Before any person shall do any business in this State in any manner whatsoever as a sales representative of a person who sells any alcoholic liquors intended for importation into this State, such person shall first obtain from the Commissioner a sales representative license in the form to be prescribed by the Commissioner and shall pay a biennial fee therefor in the amount of $50. Unless employed in any way by a person required to be licensed under subsection (a) of this section above, this subsection shall not apply to any person, who either is licensed by the Commissioner and shall not apply to any person, who either is licensed by the Commissioner and has a place of business in this State for the manufacture or sale of alcoholic liquors or is an officer, director or employee of a person, licensed by the Commissioner, having a place of business in this State for the manufacture or sale of alcoholic liquors.

(c) This section shall not apply to a daily importation into the State of a quantity of alcoholic liquor which does not exceed that amount which the United states government permits to be imported into the United States without payment of any duty thereon, provided such alcoholic liquor is imported by a person permitted by the laws of this State to purchase and consume alcoholic liquor and that such alcoholic liquor is imported solely for consumption by the person importing it or the person's family or guests. If such importation is by motor vehicle, the alcoholic liquor shall be transported in an area of the motor vehicle not immediately accessible to the driver or to any passenger therein.

(d) Persons licensed by the Commissioner as suppliers pursuant to this section shall be authorized only to sell, ship or deliver alcoholic liquors to licensed Delaware importers or manufacturers, and persons licensed by the Commissioner as sales representatives pursuant to this section shall be authorized only to solicit orders, on behalf of licensed Delaware importers or manufacturers, from persons licensed by the Commissioner to sell alcoholic liquors.

(e) The Commissioner may promulgate such rules and regulations as it deems necessary for the enforcement or furtherance of the objectives of this section and it may provide by such rules or regulations that the applicant for a supplier's license may pay a fee for each calendar year or pay the increased fee during any calendar year without the filing of an additional application.

(f) No person may import into this State any alcoholic liquor unless it is delivered directly to a licensed warehouse or warehouses in Delaware owned, leased or operated by a licensed Delaware importer and is unloaded and physically stored in said warehouse or warehouses.

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