(a) The authority may itself prepare or cause to be prepared a redevelopment plan or any person or agency, public or private, may submit such a plan to an authority. A redevelopment plan shall be sufficiently complete to indicate its relationship to definite local objectives as to appropriate land uses, improved traffic, public transportation, public utilities, recreational and community facilities and other public improvements and the proposed land uses and building requirements in the redevelopment project area and shall include without being limited to:
(1) The boundaries of the redevelopment project area, with a map showing the existing uses and condition of the real property therein;
(2) A land use plan showing proposed uses of the area;
(3) Information showing the standards of population densities, land coverage and building intensities in the area after redevelopment;
(4) A statement of the proposed changes, if any, in zoning ordinances or maps, street layouts, street levels or grades, building codes and ordinances;
(5) A site plan of the area; and
(6) A statement as to the kind and number of additional public facilities or utilities which will be required to support the new land uses in the area after redevelopment.
(b) The authority, or any public body authorized to perform planning work, may prepare a general neighborhood renewal plan for urban renewal areas which may be of such scope that urban renewal activities may have to be carried out in stages over an estimated period of up to 10 years. Such plan may include, but is not limited to, a preliminary plan which (1) outlines the urban renewal activities proposed for the area involved, (2) provides a framework for the preparation of urban renewal plans, and (3) indicates generally the land uses, population density, building coverage, prospective requirements for rehabilitation and improvement of property and portions of the area contemplated for clearance and redevelopment. A general neighborhood renewal plan shall, in the determination of the local governing body, conform to the general plan of the locality as a whole and to the workable program of the municipality.
(c) The authority, or any public body authorized to perform planning work, may prepare or complete a communitywide plan or program for urban renewal which shall conform to the general plan for the development of the municipality or community as a whole and may include, but shall not be limited to, identification of slum or blighted areas, measurement of blight, determination of resources needed and available to renew such areas, identification of potential project areas and types of action contemplated and scheduling of urban renewal activities.