Action by Superior Court; notice of final hearing.

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(a) After the report and statement of the board of lagoon management commissioners have been filed in the office of the prothonotary of the appropriate county, they shall be carefully reviewed by the Superior Court of the county.

(b) If the report of a majority of the board of lagoon management commissioners is opposed to the formation of the proposed tax lagoon, or if the certificate stating the results of the referendum shows that a majority of all votes cast were opposed to the formation of the tax lagoon, or if such report shows that the total cost of the construction of the tax lagoon will exceed the benefits that will result therefrom, then the Superior Court shall issue an order denying the petition for the formation of the tax lagoon.

(c) If the report of a majority of the board of lagoon management commissioners is in favor of the formation of the proposed tax lagoon, and if the statement attached to said report indicates that the total benefits that will result from the tax lagoon will exceed the total cost of the proposed tax lagoon works of improvement, and if the certificate stating the results of the referendum shows that a 3/4 majority of all votes cast were in favor of the formation of the tax lagoon, then the Superior Court shall set a date for the final hearing on the petition and shall direct the prothonotary to give notice of the hearing by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in each county in which any of the lands involved are located and by posting a written or printed notice on the door of the courthouse of each such county, such publication and posting to be made not less than 15 days before the time of the final hearing. Notice of the final hearing shall also be given to landowners involved by first class mail. This notice shall be mailed not less than 15 days before the time of the hearing. From the time the report of the board of lagoon management commissioners is filed in the office of the prothonotary of the appropriate county it shall be open to inspection by any interested person.

(d) In those cases when all of the landowners involved have indicated by signed statement that they are familiar with the report of the board of lagoon management commissioners and that they favor the formation of the tax lagoon, and if the report of a majority of the board of lagoon management commissioners is in favor of the formation of the proposed tax lagoon, and if the statement attached to the report indicates that the total benefits that will result from the tax lagoon will exceed the total cost of the proposed tax lagoon works of improvement, then the Superior Court shall not hold a final hearing, nor give notice thereof, but shall confirm the report and issue an order granting the petition for the formation of the proposed tax lagoon, the order to become effective immediately and to be known as the lagoon order. The confirmed report shall be considered a part of the lagoon order.

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