(a) A person with a disability may be eligible to be a participant in the Delaware CarePlan Trust:
(1) Upon a contribution of assets into the Delaware CarePlan Trust, or the Board's waiver of such contribution, by or on behalf of the person; and
(2) Acceptance into the Delaware CarePlan Trust by the Board.
(b) The Board is directed to develop standards of eligibility for participants.
(1) The extent and character of the services and acceptance of participants are at the discretion of the Delaware CarePlan Trust.
(2) The Delaware CarePlan Trust may accept contributions, bequests, payee services and/or property passing by beneficiary designation by or on behalf of persons with disabilities.
(c) Upon the acceptance of a person with a disability as a participant, the Delaware CarePlan Trust shall develop a comprehensive care plan for the participant, and shall provide such plan to the donor and to the participant or the participant's representative. The comprehensive care plan shall include:
(1) A starting date for the delivery of services or the condition for commencing delivery of services;
(2) The nature and duration of the services to be provided; and
(3) The criteria or procedures for modifying the program of services from time to time.
(d) The Delaware CarePlan Trust is not required to provide services to a participant who is a competent adult and who has refused to accept services, or who, in the Board's determination in accordance with this chapter, is no longer eligible to be a participant. Further, the Delaware CarePlan Trust shall not provide services of a nature or in a manner that would be contrary to the public policy of the State at the time such services are to be provided. In either case, the Delaware CarePlan Trust may offer alternate services that are consistent with the purposes of this chapter and in keeping with the best interest of the participant.