(a) The Commission shall consist of members who are appointed as follows:
(1) Two members, appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
(2) Two members, appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate.
(3) One member, appointed by the Irish American Chamber of Commerce and Trade Council of Delaware.
(4) One member, appointed by the New Castle County Irish Society.
(5) One member, appointed by the St. Patrick's Day Society.
(6) Two members, appointed by the Irish Culture Club of Delaware, 1 of whom shall be from Kent County and 1 of whom shall be from Sussex County.
(7) One member, appointed by Governor.
(8) One member, appointed by the Lieutenant Governor.
(b) A member of the Commission may be a citizen of the United States or a person holding dual citizenship between the United States and the Nation of Ireland, the United Kingdom or any nation not hostile to the United States or the Nation of Ireland.
(c) The members of the Commission serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority.