Duties of the Public Guardian.

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The Public Guardian:

(1) Shall establish case acceptance priorities and other administrative policies and procedures in consultation with the Guardianship Commission.

(2) Shall receive referrals and recommendations regarding individuals who may be in need of services under § 3981(a) of this title and independently evaluate the referral to make a determination as to the physical, social, and financial conditions of the individual, whether there are alternatives to public services under § 3981(a) of this title, and whether the individual is at risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation.

(3) After evaluation of the conditions of the individual and in consideration of the established case acceptance priorities, may do any of the following:

a. Make a recommendation as to a suitable individual who is available and willing to serve as guardian or surrogate decision maker or refer to an appropriate private, nonprofit, or other entity willing to serve as guardian, representative payee, or VA fiduciary.

b. File a petition for its own appointment as guardian, or file for the appointment of any other individual as guardian where it is determined that the filing of a petition on behalf of another may avoid the need for public guardianship.

c. Consent to serve as guardian where another entity or individual files a petition for the appointment of the Public Guardian.

d. Consent to appointment as representative payee or VA fiduciary for an individual in an acute care setting or who is a client of the Department of Health and Social Services.

(4) When appointed as guardian by court order, shall serve as guardian of last resort, either plenary or limited; temporary guardian; or successor guardian; of the person or property, or both, of persons who are determined to be incapacitated for reasons other than minority. The Public Guardian shall have the same powers and duties as a private guardian as set out by this chapter and as defined by the court upon appointment.

(5) Shall acquire recognized certification as a guardian where available in a timely manner upon appointment and maintain certification while acting as Public Guardian, and promote and act in accordance with nationally recognized standards of guardianship and those developed in cooperation with the Delaware Guardianship Commission.

(6) a. May offer advice and guidance, without court appointment as guardian, to persons who request assistance or to those on whose behalf such assistance is requested for the purpose of encouraging maximum self-reliance and independence and avoiding the need for appointment of a guardian.

b. May take all necessary action, including programs of public education and legislative advocacy, to secure and ensure the legal, civil, and special rights of those determined by the court to be incapacitated.

(7) Shall submit an annual report on the efforts of the Office that shall be provided to the Guardianship Commission and included in the annual report of the Guardianship Commission.

(8) May coordinate volunteer legal representation for wards of the Office to assist with needed representation before administrative agencies and courts to pursue the legal rights and remedies of the ward and a volunteer legal community outreach program to assist the Office of the Public Guardian in educating the community about guardianship and alternatives to guardianship.

(9) May apply for and accept grants, gifts and bequests of funds from other state, federal and interstate agencies, as well as private firms, individuals and foundations, for the purpose of carrying out the lawful responsibilities of the Office of the Public Guardian and the Guardianship Commission. The funds must be deposited with the State Treasurer in a restricted receipt account established to permit funds to be expended in accordance with the provision of the grant, gift, or bequest.

(10) Shall take whatever actions are necessary to help the Guardianship Commission accomplish its goals.

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