General powers and duties of Division in respect to children in day-care centers.

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In order that the State may provide day-care facilities and services, the Division of Social Services shall:

(1) Establish and operate day-care centers;

(2) Charge such fees as it deems desirable, but such fees may be based on the ability of the parent, guardian or custodian of the child to pay;

(3) Aid in the establishment of privately or publicly operated nonprofit child day-care centers by granting funds to private or public organizations agreeing to operate child day-care centers in accordance with standards set by the Division;

(4) Pay all or part of the fees charged by the organizations established under paragraph (3) of this section for the care of children whose parent, guardian or custodian is financially unable to pay all or part of such fees;

(5) Purchase day-care service from any child day-care center, whether profit or nonprofit, which shall provide such service in conformity with the requirements of this subchapter; and

(6) Pay all or part of the fees for day-care service as is appropriate to the financial position of the parents, parent or guardian of such child.

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