(a) All liens created pursuant to § 3901 or § 3902 of this title shall be superior to any lien, title or interest of any person who has a security interest by virtue of a conditional sales contract or a prior perfected security interest in accordance with Article 9 of Title 6.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, any person who stores or safekeeps any motor vehicle towed at the request of a party other than the owner of the vehicle may attain priority of lien as follows:
(1) By providing notice by certified mail to a title holder of record within 7 business days of the date upon which possession is taken;
(2) By providing notice by certified mail to lienholders of record within 7 business days of the date upon which possession is taken; and
(3) By providing notice by telephone or in person to the appropriate police agency.