(a) Prior to any such sale the lienholder shall give at least 15 days' notice of the sale by handbills posted in 5 or more public places and by advertising in a newspaper published and/or circulated in the county in which the sale is to be held.
(b) The proceeds of the sale shall be applied to the discharge of the lien and the cost of keeping and selling the property. The balance, if any, of the proceeds of the sale shall be deposited not later than 10 days from the date of the sale with the court to be applied by the court to the payment of any lien or security interest to which the property may be subject in the order of their priority, with any remaining proceeds to be paid to the owner or owners of the property sold but, in case such owner or owners cannot be found, such balance shall be turned over to the State Treasurer not later than 60 days from the date of the sale who shall create a special fund thereof and who shall pay to the owner the moneys left if a claim is made within 1 year of the sale, or deposit the moneys in the General Fund if no claim is made within 1 year of the sale.
(c) In every lien sale authorized under this chapter, it shall be the duty of the lienholder to complete and file with the Court a disposition of proceeds form, as designated by the Court, within 10 days from the date of the sale. No transfer of or new certificate of title to the vehicle sold or salvage certificate shall be issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles without proof of the filing of said disposition of proceeds form with the Court within the required time period. A copy of the disposition of proceeds form sealed with the Court's seal shall constitute sufficient proof of filing.