(a) An applicant who is applying for licensure under this chapter shall have the following qualifications:
(1) A minimum of a baccalaureate degree from a United States (U.S.) regionally accredited college or university. Applicants who have obtained their education outside the U.S. and its territories must have their academic degree or degrees validated as equivalent to the baccalaureate or master's degree conferred by a regionally accredited college or university in the U.S.; and
(2) A major course of study in human nutrition, nutrition education, food and nutrition, dietetics, or food systems management; and
(3) Submitted proof to the Board of the completion of a supervised practice in dietetics/nutrition which consists of a documented supervised practice experience component in dietetics practice, of not less than 900 hours under the supervision of a registered dietitian, a state's licensed healthcare practitioner or an individual with a doctoral degree conferred by a U.S. regionally accredited college or university with a major course study in human nutrition, nutrition education, food and nutrition, dietetics, or food systems management. Supervised practice experience must be completed in the U.S. or its territories. Supervisors who obtained their doctoral degree outside the U.S. and its territories must have their degree validated as equivalent to the doctoral degree conferred by a U.S. regionally accredited college or university; and
(4) Appear at a time and place designated by the Board and submit to examination as to the person's qualification for registration as a L.D.N.
(b) Persons who provide evidence of current registration as a registered dietitian awarded by the Commission on Dietetic Registration, credentialing agency of the American Dietetic Association shall be considered to have met the qualifications for licensure under this chapter in lieu of subsection (a) of this section.
(c) The Board may refuse or reject an applicant if, after hearing, the Board finds that the applicant meets any of the following conditions or actions:
(1) Those specified in § 3811(a)(1)-(5) of this title.
(2) Has been convicted of a crime that is substantially related to the provision of dietetic and nutrition therapy. However, after a hearing or review of documentation demonstrating that the applicant meets the specified criteria for a waiver, the Board, by an affirmative vote of a majority of the quorum, may waive this paragraph (c)(2), if it finds all of the following:
a. For waiver of a felony conviction, more than 5 years have elapsed since the date of the conviction. At the time of the application the applicant may not be incarcerated, on work release, on probation, on parole or serving any part of a suspended sentence and must be in substantial compliance with all court orders pertaining to fines, restitution and community service.
b. For waiver of a misdemeanor conviction or violation, at the time of the application the applicant may not be incarcerated, on work release, on probation, on parole or serving any part of a suspended sentence and must be in substantial compliance with all court orders pertaining to fines, restitution and community service.
c. The applicant is capable of performing dietetic and nutrition services in a competent and professional manner.
d. The granting of the waiver will not endanger the public health, safety or welfare.
(3) Has been the recipient of any administrative penalties from any other jurisdiction or jurisdictions regarding the applicant's practice of dietetic and nutrition therapy, including but not limited to fines, formal reprimands, license suspensions or revocation (except for license revocations for nonpayment of license renewal fees), probationary limitations, and/or has entered into any “consent agreements” which contain conditions placed by a Board on the applicant's professional conduct and practice, including any voluntary surrender of a license in lieu of discipline. The Board may determine, after a hearing, whether such administrative penalty is grounds to deny licensure.
(d) Where the Board has found to its satisfaction that an application has been intentionally fraudulent, or that false information has been intentionally supplied, it shall report its findings to the Attorney General for further action.
(e) Where the application of a person has been refused or rejected and such applicant feels that the Board has acted without justification, has imposed higher or different standards for the applicant than for other applicants, or has in some other manner contributed to or caused the failure of such application, the applicant may appeal to the Superior Court.
(f) The Board may waive the requirements of this section if the applicant presents with satisfactory evidence of the following in their application for licensure to practice dietetics and provided that the application is filed not later than June 21, 2010: