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As used in this chapter, unless the context clearly requires a different construction:

(1) “Eggs” means eggs in the shell that are the product of domesticated chickens.

(2) “Consumer” means any person who acquires eggs for consumption in his own household and not for resale.

(3) “Institutional consumer” means a restaurant, hotel, boardinghouse or any other business, facility or place in which eggs are prepared or offered as food for use by its patrons, residents, inmates or patients.

(4) “Retailer” means any person who markets eggs to ultimate consumers.

(5) “Market” means sell, offer for sale, give in the channels of commerce, barter, exchange, or distribute in any manner.

(6) “Person” means any individual, producer, firm, partnership, exchange, association, trustee, receiver, corporation or any other entity and any member, officer, employee or agent thereof.

(7) “Grade” means specifications defining the limits of variation in quality of eggs in such a manner as to differentiate among classes of eggs, and the letter, number or other symbol by which reference thereto may be made.

(8) “Standard” means specifications of the physical characteristics of any or all of the component parts of individual eggs.

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