The purpose of this chapter is to create a system of intrastate mutual aid between participating political subdivisions and fire, rescue and emergency medical service provider organizations in the State of Delaware (hereinafter referred to as “system”). Each participant of this system recognizes that emergencies transcend political jurisdictional boundaries and that intergovernmental coordination is essential for the protection of lives and property and for best use of available assets both public and private. The system shall provide for mutual assistance among the participating political subdivisions and fire, rescue and emergency medical service provider organizations in the prevention of, response to, and recovery from, any disaster that results in a formal state of emergency in a participating political subdivision, subject to that participating political subdivisions criteria for declaration. If the State of Delaware declares a state of emergency that covers the jurisdictional territory of a political subdivision for purposes of this chapter, a state of emergency has been declared by that political subdivision for purposes of this chapter. The system shall provide for mutual cooperation among the participating political subdivisions and fire, rescue and emergency medical service provider organizations in conducting disaster-related exercises, testing or other training activities outside actual declared emergency periods. This chapter provides no immunity, rights or privileges for any individual responding to a state of emergency that is not requested and/or authorized to respond by a participating political subdivision or fire, rescue, or emergency medical service provider organization. Participating political subdivision and fire, rescue, and emergency service provider organizations will be ensured, to the fullest extent possible, eligibility for state and federal disaster funding.