As used in this subchapter:
(1) “Abuse” or “abused child” is as defined in § 901 of Title 10.
(2) “Child” means a person who has not yet attained the child's eighteenth birthday.
(3) “Delinquent child” means a child who commits an act which if committed by an adult would constitute a crime.
(4) “Dependency” or “dependent child” is as defined in § 901 of Title 10.
(5) “Maternal death” means the death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the duration and site of the pregnancy, from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management but not from accidental or incidental causes.
(6) “Near death” means a child in serious or critical condition as a result of child abuse or neglect as certified by a physician.
(7) “Neglect” or “neglected child” is as defined in § 901 of Title 10.
(8) “Truancy” or “truant” shall refer to a pupil enrolled in grades kindergarten through 12 inclusive who has been absent from school without a valid excuse, as defined in the rules and regulations of the district board of education of the school district in which the pupil is or should be enrolled pursuant to the provisions of Title 14, or in the case of a pupil enrolled in a charter school, by the board of directors of the charter school, for more than 3 days or the equivalent thereof during a given school year.