Cancellation or termination of insurance policy.

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(a) Any insurance company may cancel any motor vehicle liability policy or bond, except such risks as may be assigned to it as provided in § 2905 of this title, for any reason it may deem proper. Such insurance company shall refund to its insured the unearned portion of the premium paid by the insured.

(b) Any insurance company may cancel any motor vehicle liability policy or bond issued to any person under § 2905 of this title by giving 30 days' notice thereof to the Secretary of Transportation provided the insured:

(1) Is not licensed to operate a motor vehicle under the laws of this State;

(2) Is a person with mental or physical disabilities rendering it unsafe for the insured to operate a motor vehicle upon the highways;

(3) Is, in the opinion of the Secretary of Transportation, an habitually reckless or negligent driver of a motor vehicle;

(4) Is an habitual drunkard;

(5) Is addicted to the use of narcotic drugs;

(6) Is engaged in an unlawful or illegal occupation;

(7) Has refused or failed to pay the premiums due on such motor vehicle policy or bond; or

(8) Has refused or failed to cooperate with the insurance company as stated in such insurance policy or bond.

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