In any action brought to collect any lien upon real estate located within this State, the lienholder shall obtain in the final judgment in the cause the amount of money paid on account of the taxes levied upon the real estate covered by such lien or liens, provided there is set forth in the affidavit of demand filed in the action an itemized list of the taxes paid, the total amount of the payments, that the taxes were justly and truly due at the time of payment and that attached to the affidavit of demand are original and duplicate tax receipts from the officer to whom such taxes were paid. The affidavit of demand shall be filed as any other affidavit of demand is or shall be required to be filed in such proceeding. If judgment has been obtained prior to the payment of the taxes, then, and in that event, such affidavit of demand shall be filed in the office where such judgment is recorded and the amount thereof shall be noted on all writs issued in execution of such judgment or judgments and shall be collected and paid by the officer to whom such writ of execution is issued before any other part of such judgment is paid except only the costs taxed on the proceedings as shown on the writ and any amount of taxes levied and unpaid which constitute a lien on the real estate.