(a) The signing of checks or drafts by the State Treasurer may either be by hand with a pen and ink signature or by a facsimile signature of a process approved by the State Treasurer.
(b) No check or order issued by the State Treasurer shall be honored or paid by the depository upon which such check or order is drawn after the expiration of 180 days from the date of such check or order.
(c) The State Treasurer shall establish and maintain a special fund appropriation to be credited with stale check write-off amounts. Use of this account is limited to the processing of stale-check reissues by the State Treasurer. On June 30 of each fiscal year, the unexpended stale check write-off balance in excess of $100,000 shall be credited to the General Fund. If during a fiscal year, there is an insufficient amount to process reissues, a revenue refund shall be made from the General Fund to the special appropriation.