(a) The application for a permit to operate a pharmaceutical establishment must be made on a form furnished by the Board and must be accompanied by an application fee and/or permit fee established pursuant to § 2511 of this title. A separate permit is required for each location. The permit must be available for inspection by authorized persons. The Executive Secretary, jointly with the Board president, may issue a temporary, 60-day permit to operate an otherwise qualified pharmaceutical establishment while the application for a permanent permit is pending. The Board may grant 1 60-day extension of a temporary permit.
(b) An applicant may not be licensed until its key personnel submit fingerprints and other necessary information in order to obtain a report of the individuals' entire criminal history record from the State Bureau of Identification and from the Federal Bureau of Investigation pursuant to Federal Bureau of Investigation appropriation of Title II of Public Law 92-544 (28 U.S.C § 534). If the applicant's key personnel do not have a criminal history record, the applicant shall cause to be submitted a statement from each agency that the agency has no record of criminal history information relating to the individual. The State Bureau of Identification shall be the intermediary for the purpose of this subsection and the Board of Pharmacy, or its designee, shall be the screening point for the receipt of the federal criminal history record. The applicant is responsible for the required fee, if any, for obtaining the records.