Nonresident pharmacies.

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(a) A pharmacy located outside the State which delivers in any manner a prescription drug to a patient in the State is a nonresident pharmacy and must obtain a permit to conduct business in this State. A nonresident pharmacy may not deliver in any manner a prescription drug to a patient in this State unless it has a permit to do so issued by the Board.

(b) If a nonresident pharmacy which has a permit issued pursuant to this section delivers in any manner a prescription drug and the prescription drug is not personally hand delivered to the patient, a written notice must be placed in the shipping container to alert the patient that:

(1) Under certain circumstances a prescription drug's effectiveness may be affected by exposure to extremes of heat, cold, or humidity; and

(2) A local or a toll-free telephone service is available, staffed by a registered pharmacist, to answer questions about the prescription drug.

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