(a) A permit to operate a pharmacy must be renewed biennially in a manner determined by the Division, including the payment of the renewal fee established pursuant to § 2511 of this title.
(b) The Board, in its rules and regulations, shall determine the period within which a permit holder may renew the permit to operate a pharmacy, notwithstanding the fact that the permit holder failed to renew on or before the designated renewal date; provided, however, that the period of time may not exceed 1 year beyond the designated renewal date.
(c) A permit to operate a pharmacy terminates automatically upon a transfer of the controlling interest in the pharmacy, upon the termination of the legal existence of the pharmacy, or upon the discontinuance of business or professional practice.
(d) The closing of a pharmacy must be in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Board. If the closing is to be permanent, the Board must be notified 14 days prior to the closing. If the closing is to be for more than 7 consecutive business days, the Board must be notified 5 days prior to the temporary closing.