(a) In determining if a permit to operate a pharmacy should be issued, the Board shall consider, but is not limited to considering, the probability that:
(1) The pharmacy will be operated in full compliance with the law and with the rules and regulations of the Board;
(2) The pharmacy will be managed by a pharmacist-in-charge who is licensed to practice pharmacy in the State and who will serve as a pharmacist-in-charge in only that pharmacy;
(3) The location and appointments of the pharmacy are such that it can be operated without endangering public health, safety, or welfare. In determining a danger to public health, safety, or welfare, the Board shall consider, but is not limited to considering, the following factors:
a. Whether an applicant, permit holder, principal, or a person having ownership interest in the pharmacy has a conviction for deceptive business practices or for a violation of drug laws under federal law or any state's law;
b. Whether an applicant, permit holder, principal, or a person having controlling ownership interest in the pharmacy has been or is the subject of an action by a regulatory agency for a violation of the agency's statutes or regulations;
(4) The pharmacist-in-charge, whose name is on the application, will comply with pharmacy, controlled substance, and other applicable statutes and regulations;
(5) The pharmacy will provide conspicuous notice to consumers that the Board of Pharmacy is the contact agency for reporting unresolved medication errors.
(b) A permit to operate a pharmacy may not be issued or renewed unless the pharmacy is equipped with proper reference materials and professional and technical equipment as provided in the Board's rules and regulations.
(c) The Executive Secretary may issue a temporary, 60-day permit to operate a pharmacy to an otherwise qualified pharmacy while the application for a permanent permit is pending. The Board may grant 1 60-day extension of a temporary permit.