Transfer by operation of law; duty of transferee.

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In the event of the transfer by operation of law of the title or interest of an owner in and to a vehicle as upon transfer-on-death, inheritance, devise or bequest, order in bankruptcy or insolvency or execution sale, the registration thereof shall expire and the vehicle shall not be operated upon the highways until and unless the person entitled thereto applies for and obtains the registration and inspection thereof and a transfer of title therefor. The surviving spouse, the child or children of any deceased person and the immediate members of the deceased's family residing in the household, after giving due and proper notice to the Department in such manner and on such form as may be provided therefor by the Department, may operate such vehicle and the current registration thereof shall continue in full force and effect until normal expiration thereof at which time the registration of such vehicle shall expire. An administrator, executor, trustee or other representative of the owner, or a sheriff or other officer or the assignee or legal representative of any such person may operate or cause to be operated any vehicle upon the highways for a distance not exceeding 125 miles from the place where formerly kept by the owner, to a garage, warehouse or other place of keeping or storage, upon displaying upon such vehicle the number plates issued for it and obtaining a temporary or limited permit for such operation as provided by this title.

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