(a) Every employer to whom this chapter applies shall insure and keep insured the employer's liability for compensation in some corporation, association or organization approved by the Department and authorized to transact the business of workers' compensation insurance in this State or shall furnish to the Department satisfactory proof of the employer's financial ability to pay directly the compensation, in the amount and manner and when due, as provided in this chapter.
(b) In any case, the Department or Board may require the deposit of an acceptable security, indemnity or bond to secure the payment of compensation liabilities as they are incurred. All bonds of insurance carriers or self-insurers deposited to secure their obligations under this chapter shall be deposited with the State Insurance Commissioner.
(c) Every insurer licensed to issue workers' compensation and employers' liability insurance by the Insurance Department pursuant to Title 18, shall offer to write each such policy subject to a deductible applying only to medical reimbursement and death benefits. The insured employer shall be permitted to accept or reject such a deductible at the time the policy is issued or renewed. Any applicable deductible shall be subject to the following provisions:
(1) The deductible shall apply separately to each occurrence during the policy term regardless of the number of employees injured in the occurrence;
(2) The deductible shall be subject to a minimum of $500 and a maximum of $5,000, with intermediate deductible increments of $500;
(3) The premium charged for a deductible form of policy shall be subject to an actuarially sound credit related to the amount of the deductible;
(4) In the event of a claim under a deductible form of policy, the insurer shall administer the claim as though no deductible applied and shall then be entitled to reimbursement from the employer for the amount of said deductible.
(d) Every insurer licensed to issue workers' compensation and employers' liability insurance by the Insurance Department pursuant to Title 18 shall write a policy and base its rates upon the limited term of employment, rather than on an annual basis, for summer employees employed by various civic and nonprofit associations whose wages are funded through grants awarded by the Department of Community Affairs.