(a) Every check sold by a licensee, directly or through an agent, shall bear the name of the licensee clearly imprinted thereon.
(b) Every licensee shall furnish a customer with a receipt or other acknowledgment upon receiving funds from such customer. Such receipt or other acknowledgment shall be numbered serially and shall bear the name and address of the licensee. Each licensee who receives money for transmission abroad shall forward such money to the person or bank designated to receive the same within 5 days after receipt thereof, and shall immediately give the person delivering the money for transmission a receipt and his name with the name and address of the licensee printed thereon. The receipt shall state the date when such money was received, the amount thereof, its equivalent in the currency of the country to which it is to be forwarded, and the name and address of the payee.
(c) In lieu of the provisions of subsection (b) of this section, every accelerated mortgage payment provider may furnish an annual statement to a mortgagor of the transmittals. Each such statement shall identify the dates money was received for transmission and the amounts thereof, the dates transmittals were made to the lender on behalf of the mortgagor and the amounts thereof and the name and address of the lender or recipient of such transmittals.