Vessels used by commercial crab dredgers in Delaware waters.

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(a) It shall be unlawful for a crab dredge licensee to dredge crabs from the waters of this State from any vessel other than 1 vessel owned and operated by said crab dredge licensee. The vessel shall be listed on the crab dredger's license.

(b) It shall be unlawful for a resident crab dredge licensee to list a vessel on his or her crab dredger's license if said vessel has been exclusively used in commercial fishing operation in waters outside the jurisdiction of this State during the previous 2 years. However, for a vessel acquired by a crab dredger licensee to replace a vessel listed on his or her crab dredger's license, the provision for that vessel not having been exclusively used in commercial fishing operations in waters outside the jurisdiction of this State during the previous 2 years shall not be in effect.

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