(a) The General Assembly intends for the Industrial Accident Board and the hearing officers thereof to manage its caseload in a manner which recognizes the importance of determining matters before the Board in a speedy, efficient and just manner. To that end, the General Assembly intends for the Board and the hearing officers thereof to cooperate closely with the Department of Labor, which is the executive branch agency responsible for the effective administration of the Board's activities, pursuant to Part II of this title, in developing procedures and processes which accomplish that important purpose.
(b) To ensure public accountability for the speedy, efficient and just determination of the matters before the Board, the Department of Labor shall conduct an annual review of the effectiveness of the management of the Board's caseload. Such annual review should be published on or before February 15 of each year and the Board shall be involved in the development of such annual review. The review shall include:
(1) An analysis of the caseload pending before the Board, including, but not limited to, an analysis of dispositional speed, caseload backlog, number of continuances granted and the grounds therefor, number of appeals and the reversal rate of the Board and compliance with hearing and decisional deadlines set forth in Part II of this title or in board rules, to ensure that the performance of the Board as a whole can be evaluated by the General Assembly, the Governor and the public at large;
(2) An analysis of the caseload pending before the Board, particularized as to the individual hearing officers of the Board to ensure that the performance of such hearing officers can be evaluated;
(3) Departmental recommendations regarding methods, including, but not limited to, legislative action and board rule changes, to improve the performance of the Board and Department in ensuring the speedy, efficient and just determination of matters before the Board.
(c) [Repealed.]