Reverse mortgages.

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(a) For purposes of this section, unless the context requires otherwise:

(1) “Independent housing counselor” means a housing counseling agency approved by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, or any government agency or nonprofit organization that is not affiliated with either the reverse mortgage lender or any other person receiving a fee from the transaction and provides mortgage loan counseling to the public of this State regarding the advisability of entering into a reverse mortgage transaction.

(2) “Reverse mortgage loan” means a mortgage loan, as defined by § 2101(4) of this title, the proceeds of which are disbursed to the mortgagor in 1 or more lump sums, or in equal or unequal installments, either directly by the lender or the lender's agent, and which requires no repayment until a future time, upon the earliest occurrence of 1 or more events specified in the reverse mortgage loan contract.

(b) A licensee shall not finalize a reverse mortgage loan until it has received a written certification from an independent housing counselor attesting that the prospective borrower has received counseling on reverse mortgage loans that includes the information specified in 12 U.S.C. § 1715z-20(f) and such other information as the Commissioner may designate by regulation.

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