(a) A person shall not provide plumbing services in this State nor hold himself or herself out to the public as being a licensed master plumber, nor use “licensed plumber,” “master plumber,” or “licensed master plumber” in connection with that person's name, nor otherwise assume or use any title or description conveying or tending to convey the impression that the person is qualified to provide plumbing services, unless the person has been licensed as a master plumber under this chapter, or exempted from the provisions of this chapter pursuant to subsection (c) of this section.
(b) If the license of a master plumber has expired or been suspended or revoked, it is unlawful for the holder of the expired, suspended, or revoked license to perform plumbing services in this State.
(c) An individual may provide plumbing services without being licensed under this chapter if:
(1) The individual is an apprentice, journeyman, mechanic, or other person providing such services under the supervision of a master plumber who is the individual's employer or who is employed full time by the same business entity as the individual;
(2) The individual is a homeowner who is performing plumbing services other than gas piping in or about that individual's own home that is not for sale or any part for rent or lease, provided that the individual has filed an application for a permit with the authorized inspection authority;
(3) The individual is providing such services on property used exclusively for agricultural purposes and the individual has filed an application for a permit with the authorized inspection authority; or
(4) The individual is providing such services pursuant to the provisions in § 1832 of this title.
(5) The individual is providing services authorized under subchapter III of this chapter.
(d) The penalty for a violation of this section is, for a first offense, a fine of not less than $1,500 nor more than $3,000, and, for a second or subsequent offense, a fine of not less than $3,000 nor more than $6,000. Justice of the Peace Courts shall have jurisdiction over violations of this section.