(a) The Division of Professional Regulation shall establish reasonable fees for licensing genetic counselors and for biennial license renewal.
(b) The Board shall issue a license to each applicant who meets the requirements of this chapter for licensure as a genetic counselor and who pays the established fees.
(c) Each license shall be renewed biennially, in such manner as is determined by the Division and upon payment of the appropriate fee and submission of a renewal form provided by the Division, and proof that the licensee has met the continuing education requirements established by § 1799M of this title.
(d) The Council, in its rules and regulation, shall determine the period of time within which a licensee may still renew the licensee's license and determine late fees associated with the license renewal, notwithstanding the fact that such licensee has failed to renew on or before the renewal date, provided, however that such period shall not exceed 1 year.
(e) A licensee, upon written request, may be placed in an inactive status for no more than 5 years. Such person, who desires to reactivate that person's license, shall complete a Board-approved application form, obtain an updated certified criminal background check, submit a renewal fee, and proof of fulfillment of continuing education requirements in accordance with the rules and regulation of the Council.