(a) The Board may adopt rules and regulations that waive the professional examination required pursuant to § 1721 of this title for the issuance of a certificate to practice medicine in the following cases:
(1) The applicant for whom the examination is to be waived is licensed, certified, registered, or otherwise legally qualified to practice medicine in another state of the United States or in another jurisdiction, and seeks a temporary certificate to practice medicine for not less than 2 weeks nor more than 3 months for the purpose of taking charge of the practice of a person certified and registered to practice medicine in this State during the person's temporary illness or absence from this State. The Board may, in its discretion, extend a temporary certificate to practice medicine pursuant to this paragraph for an additional 3 months, but not longer. A temporary certificate may be issued pursuant to this paragraph to an applicant by the Board upon the written request of a person certified and registered to practice medicine in this State and upon the payment of a fee established for such purpose by the Division of Professional Regulation. The written request must contain an affirmation that the purpose of the temporary certificate is to allow the applicant to take charge of the practice of a person certified and registered to practice medicine in this State during the person's temporary illness or absence from the State;
(2) The applicant for whom the examination is to be waived:
a. Is employed in this State as an intern, resident, house physician, or fellow in a hospital accredited by the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Hospitals or by the American Osteopathic Hospital Association; or
b. Is a staff physician employed in a governmental institution in this State and is applying for a certificate to practice medicine for a period of time not to exceed the length of time of employment in the hospital or governmental institution.
A certificate issued pursuant to this paragraph is subject to yearly renewal and restricts the applicant to practice only in the hospital or institution where the applicant is employed;
(3) The applicant for whom the examination is to be waived is licensed, certified, registered, or otherwise legally authorized to practice medicine by competent authority in any other of the United States or in any other jurisdiction approved by the Board.
(b) When a certificate to practice medicine is issued to an applicant pursuant to this section and the applicant registers with the Board and obtains an occupational license pursuant to Chapter 23 of Title 30, the applicant may practice medicine in this State, but only for the time and only under the conditions, if any, specified in the certificate.