(a) Nothing in this title shall be construed to prevent the performing of electrical work by:
(1) Any of the following individuals working in a manufacturing or industrial facility:
a. An electrical engineer who is recognized by their company as the person responsible for facility repairs, maintenance, or electrical additions, and who is registered with the Board, or a professional electrical engineer who is registered with the Board and who is licensed and listed on the Delaware Association of Professional Engineers;
b. An electrical engineer or electrical engineering technician, recognized by the manufacturing or industrial company as qualified, working in a laboratory environment conducting basic research and development;
c. An “in-house” electrical engineer, electrical engineering technician, or other person conducting research and development building and testing a custom panel designed by the company and not commercially available, provided that such exception shall not extend to the permanent installation of the equipment;
(2) The Department of Transportation, its agencies, offices and divisions, for all work performed by the Department, or under its supervision, and which is approved by the Department, for the installation, erection, construction, reconstruction and/or maintenance of drawbridges and traffic-control devices, including traffic signals, traffic signs and highway lighting;
(3) Persons working beyond the main breaker or fuse of 200 amps or less on structures used exclusively for agricultural purposes, except that the provisions of § 1420 of this title regarding certificates of inspection shall apply where new installations are involved;
(4) Any electric light or power company, electric railway company, steam railway company, diesel railway company, telegraph or telephone company, water or wastewater utility whose rates and services are regulated by the Delaware Public Service Commission, or any person performing the electrical work of such company or utility, when such work is a part of the plant or services used by the company in rendering its authorized service to the public, as further defined in rules and regulations of the Board;
(5) Any homeowner or homeowners who comply with the mandates of § 1417 of this title.
(b) Nothing in this chapter shall restrict any person from servicing equipment in the fields of heating, air conditioning, refrigeration or appliances.