(a) The Governor may appoint, with the consent of a majority of all members elected to the Senate, suitable persons to act as Commissioners of the Court of Common Pleas, all of whom shall hold office for a term of 4 years. Vacancies in office shall be filled for a term of 4 years by the Governor, with the consent of a majority of all members elected to the Senate. Upon second and subsequent appointments and confirmations, a Commissioner of the Court of Common Pleas shall hold office for a term of 6 years. Appointees shall be residents of the State, shall be duly admitted to practice law before the Supreme Court of this State, and shall not engage in the practice of law nor any business, occupation or employment inconsistent with the expeditious, proper, and impartial performance of their duties as judicial officers. The number of Commissioners from 1 major political party shall not exceed the number of Commissioners from another major political party by more than 1.
(b) Individuals appointed as Commissioners under this section shall take the oath or affirmation prescribed by article XIV, § 1 of the Delaware Constitution before they enter upon the duties of their offices.
(c) The salaries of Commissioners shall be part of the annual budget of the Court of Common Pleas. The salary of a Commissioner shall not be reduced during the term being served below the salary fixed at the beginning of that term.