(a) In all proceedings in Superior Court, after all interested parties have received notice in accordance with this chapter, a hearing shall be held in Superior Court, at which time each party before the court, including the Department, the county in which the right-of-way is located, all abutting land owners or all interested parties, may present relevant evidence regarding the necessity or advisability of the continued use of the road, bridge or right-of-way for the benefit of the general public or interested parties. Upon conclusion of the hearing, the Superior Court shall order whether said road, bridge or other right-of-way shall be vacated or declared to be abandoned. Any administrative hearing conducted by the Department shall address the same issues and utilize the criteria defined in this chapter.
(b) The Court shall also decide such other collateral issues which are raised at the hearing, including, but not limited to, whether the Department holds title to the road, bridge or other right-of-way by virtue of § 509 of this title, by deed transfer or by some other means, whether the Department, county, other governmental authority or the general public has an interest in such road, bridge or right-of-way by virtue of dedication, easement or some other means, whether such parties have a compensable interest and to whom the land, bridge or other right-of-way shall revert in the event of vacation or declaration of abandonment.
(c) Any administrative hearing to consider the question of abandonment or vacation shall be conducted in accordance with the terms of this chapter.
(d) There is a rebuttable presumption, as to all roads, bridges or other rights-of-way created or used at any time within this State, that each shall continue in existence until officially vacated or abandoned by judicial or administrative action pursuant to this chapter.
(e) In determining whether any road, bridge or other right-of-way should be vacated or declared to be abandoned, the Court or the administrative agency shall make a determination as to whether the Department, other governmental agency or general public has a use or need for the continued existence of such road, bridge or right-of-way and the judgment of the Department to keep it open shall be paramount. In making a determination in this regard, the Court or the Department shall consider such items as may be pertinent including, but not limited to, alternative routes, fitness for travel of the respective routes, previous relocation of routes performed by public authority, use of the new route as a bypass rather than an independent route, service, maintenance and repair of the respective routes, barricades or other hand-made or natural obstructions within and along the routes, the financial impact upon any interested party and any other item which the Court or the Department may deem pertinent.
(f) Any state-maintained street shall not be vacated or abandoned without the consent of the Department.
(g) As the result of the public use, as defined herein, the general public may have acquired a right to the use of such right-of-way, if clearly evidenced intent has been demonstrated such as by the grant of an easement or dedication, regardless of whether such area is classified as a state-maintained street, as defined herein. Any such right of the general public to use such right-of-way shall not place the responsibility of maintenance with the Department or any other governmental authority, without formal acceptance of such responsibility.