(a) “Delaware Transit Corporation” means a corporation created pursuant to this chapter which is the parent corporation of subsidiaries created pursuant to this chapter the purpose of which is to provide public transit services.
(b) “Airport facility” means an air transportation facility, including but not limited to terminal improvements, air cargo facilities, airfield improvements and general aviation facilities, and necessary or incidental site improvements, utilities, roads, parking lots, land or rights in land, machinery, equipment, apparatus and appurtenances for use in handling air carrier service and general aviation activities.
(c) “Authority” means the Delaware Transportation Authority and its successors.
(d) “Bond” means bonds, notes or other obligations issued by the Authority pursuant to this chapter.
(e) “Cost” means the cost of constructing, reconstructing, improving, extending, altering, modernizing, repairing, operating and maintaining a transportation facility, including but not limited to the costs of acquisition of land and rights in land, demolition of structures on such land, machinery, equipment, furnishings and apparatus, financing charges including interest on borrowed money for a transportation facility for a period ending 1 year after commencement of operations of such transportation facility, the funding of reserves, estimates, plans, reports, specifications and studies, legal, financial, architectural, consulting, engineering, administrative and other expenses deemed necessary or incident to the construction, reconstruction, improvement, extension, alteration, modernization, repair, operation or maintenance of a transportation facility by the Authority.
(f) “Council” means the Council on Transportation reestablished by this chapter.
(g) “Delaware Turnpike” means the toll express highway designated Delaware Interstate 95 extending from a point in the vicinity of Farnhurst, Delaware, to a point at or near the boundary line between the State and the State of Maryland.
(h) “Department” means the Department of Transportation and its successors.
(i) “Director” means the Director of the Delaware Transit Corporation.
(j) “Division of Highway Operations” means the Division of the Department created by 57 Del. Laws, c. 514, § 1 (§ 8406 of Title 29, as amended).
(k) “General Assembly” means the Senate and the House of Representatives of the State.
(l) “Operating expenses” means the reasonable and necessary current expenses of operating, repairing and maintaining transportation facilities, including administrative expenses incurred in maintenance and operation of the Delaware Turnpike, but not the administrative expenses of the Authority.
(m) “Person” means any person, including individuals, firms, partnerships, associations, societies, trusts, public or private corporations, not for profit corporations or other legal entities, including public or governmental bodies as well as natural persons and subsidiaries created pursuant to this chapter.
(n) “Port facility” means any water port, including but not limited to piers, docks, wharves, warehouses, sheds, elevators, compressors, refrigeration and other storage structures, terminals, land or rights in land and site improvements used or to be used in the handling, storage, loading and unloading of freight, the embarking and disembarking of passengers, or both, at a water port.
(o) “Public transportation facility” means a bus, rail or other facility, owned or operated by the Delaware Transit Corporation, which provides general service to the public on a regular and continuing basis.
(p) “Revenues” means charges, fares, fees, gifts, receipts, rentals, tolls or other payments or moneys derived from or with respect to the operation, lease, sale or other disposition of transportation facilities by the Authority, including, but not limited to, proceeds from insurance covering transportation facilities, investment income from revenues, the proceeds of bonds and investment income therefrom, gifts, grants or appropriations from any person, and including motor fuel taxes and annual motor carrier registration fees imposed pursuant to § 5211(a) of Title 30, as amended, pledged and assigned by this chapter.
(q) “Secretary” means the Secretary of the Department of Transportation.
(r) “Specialized transportation facility” means a transportation facility designed or intended to be utilized by persons who are disabled by reason of physical or mental infirmity or age.
(s) “State” means the State of Delaware.
(t) “Subsidiary” means a corporation created by the Authority pursuant to this chapter.
(u) “Transportation facility” means any facility used in connection with the performance of a transportation service, including but not limited to an airport facility, turnpike, port facility, road, highway, bridge, tunnel, subway or parking facility, and all equipment, machinery, fixtures, buildings and structures, land or rights in land incidental to or required in connection with the performance of transportation services.
(v) “Turnpike” means any express toll road, or part or parts thereof, including but not limited to land and rights in land, bridges, tunnels, overpasses, underpasses, interchanges, entrance plazas, exits, approaches, service stations, restaurants, administration, lodging, storage and other buildings and facilities which the Authority may deem necessary or appropriate for the construction, reconstruction, improvement, extension, alteration, modernization, repair, operation and maintenance of a turnpike.
(w) [Repealed.]