Charges and fees; costs and expenses of proceedings.

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(a) The Commission may impose charges and fees for filing and for other services rendered by it in accordance with the following schedule of fees:

1. For filing the annual financial statement of any public utility____ $25
2. Certificates of public convenience and necessity:
(a) For filing each original application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity (except for telecommunications local exchange service or application for approval of a transfer of such certificate) 750
(b) For filing each extension to a certificate of public convenience and necessity (except for telecommunications local exchange service) 300
(c) For filing each application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity (for original or for extension) to provide telecommunications local exchange service or application for approval of a transfer of such certificate 3000
3. For filing each application for approval or authority to discontinue or abandon all or any part of any public utility operation or service 150
4. (a) For each filing of rate or tariff schedules, or any amendment thereto or notice of changes therein 50
(b) For each filing of petition or application to increase rates 100
5. For filing each petition or application under § 215(a)(1) of this title 100
6. For filing each petition or application under § 215(a)(2) of this title in accordance with the following schedule based upon the aggregate amount of the stocks (by par value or by stated value if no par), notes, bonds, or other evidence of indebtedness. The fee so established is to be used to evaluate such petition or application in lieu of any other assessment
Under $1,000,001 150
$1,000,001 - $10,000,000 250
$10,000,001 and above 350
7. For preparing and certifying to the Superior Court any record in appeal 400
8. For certifying a copy of each paper, order, record, transcript or any other official document other than to the Superior Court 10
9. Upon request therefor by either a consumer or a utility for testing each water meter having an outlet not exceeding 1 inch 10
10. Upon request therefor by either a consumer or a utility for testing each water meter having an outlet of more than 1 inch but not exceeding 2 inches 15
11. Upon request therefor by either a consumer or a utility for testing each electric meter 10
12. The charge or fee for any services rendered by the Commission in filing papers, documents, records or other items not expressly provided for in this subsection shall be a reasonable charge or fee in relation to the service rendered, not to exceed the highest fee or charge permitted on this schedule of fees fixed by the Commission from time to time.

(b) (1) Whenever the Commission, in a proceeding upon its own initiative or upon complaint or upon written application to it, shall deem it necessary in order to carry out its statutory duties, to investigate the operations, services, practices, accounting records and/or procedures, rates, charges, rules and regulations, of any public utility, and/or to make valuations or revaluations of the property of any public utility, and/or to enter into and hold a hearing or hearings in connection therewith, such public utility shall be charged with and pay such portion of the expenses of the Commission, and the compensation and expenses of its agents, representatives, consultants and employees, including, but not limited to those temporarily employed or retained, as is reasonably attributable to such investigation, valuation and revaluation, hearing or hearings. In addition, if the Division of the Public Advocate elects to intervene or participate in a natural gas, electric, water or wastewater rate proceeding under subchapter III of this chapter including fuel adjustments pursuant to § 303(b) of this title and water utility distribution system improvement charges pursuant to § 314 of this title. The public utility involved shall also be charged with and pay such portion of the expenses of the Division of the Public Advocate, and the compensation and expenses of its agents, representatives, consultants and employees, including but not limited to those temporarily employed or retained, as is reasonably attributable to such proceeding. At the time the Commission or the Division of the Public Advocate determines that such charges will be required, the Commission or Division shall provide notice to the public utility, or its counsel of record at such time, of its intent to impose and collect any charges. No charges shall be made for the compensation of Commissioners or the Public Advocate.

a. If the Commission or an appellate court determines by order that the Commission or the Public Advocate brought or defended all or a portion of a proceeding

1. For an improper purpose;

2. Without any basis in existing law;

3. Without a justifiable basis for seeking the extension, modification or reversal of existing law; or

4. Without evidentiary support after reasonable opportunity for investigation and discovery,

then to such extent the public utility shall not be charged with or required to pay such expenses.

b. If the Commission or an appellate court determines by order that a utility brought or defended all or a portion of a proceeding

1. For an improper purpose;

2. Without any basis in existing law;

3. Without a justifiable basis for seeking the extension, modification or reversal of existing law; or

4. Without evidentiary support after reasonable opportunity for investigation and discovery,

then to such extent the utility shall not be permitted to include the costs associated with that proceeding in its rates.

(2) From time to time as the investigation, valuation, revaluation, hearing or hearings progress, or upon completion thereof, the Commission and the Division of the Public Advocate shall ascertain each agency's costs incurred in connection therewith, including, but not limited to the expenses of the Commission and the Division of the Public Advocate and the compensation and expenses of each agency's respective agents, representatives, consultants and employees, including those temporarily employed or retained, and shall determine the amount thereof to be paid by the public utility and shall render separate bills therefor to the public utility. The Commission and the Division of the Public Advocate shall furnish the public utility such itemization of each said bill as may be requested by said public utility. The public utility shall have the right to audit said bill within a reasonable period after its rendition by the Commission or the Division of Public Advocate and shall have the opportunity to be heard before the Commission as to any or all of the items included in the bill. The amount of such bill as finally determined by the Commission following such hearing and any appeal therefrom shall be paid into the Delaware Public Utility Regulatory Revolving Fund within 30 days from the date of its determination. If any amount so assessed against a public utility is not paid within 30 days after the date of rendition of the bill with respect thereto, the utility shall pay a penalty of 1% of the amount due for each month or fraction thereof that such amount is unpaid. The charges imposed for the costs of the Division of the Public Advocate shall be paid to the Commission and shall be deposited to the credit of the Delaware Public Utility Regulatory Revolving Fund.

(3) The expenses of the Commission and the Division of the Public Advocate and the compensation and expenses of each agency's respective agents, representatives, consultants and employees, including but not limited to those temporarily employed or retained, reasonably attributable to any appellate court proceedings in either or both the Superior or Supreme Court of the State growing out of any order, opinion, decision or findings of the Commission shall also be ascertained, charged, billed to and paid for by the public utility in accordance with the foregoing conditions and procedures.

(4) Whenever the investigation, valuation, revaluation, hearing, hearings or appellate court proceedings involve the affairs and operations of 2 or more public utilities jointly, the charges made under this section for such investigation, valuation, revaluation, hearing, hearings, or appellate court proceedings shall be prorated among such public utilities upon the basis of their gross intrastate operating revenues for the last preceding calendar year.

(5) The total aggregate amount to be charged by both the Commission and the Division of the Public Advocate to any public utility under authority of this subsection (b) in any calendar year shall not exceed 1 percent of such public utility's gross operating revenues derived from intrastate utility operations in the last preceding calendar year.

(c) In connection with any Commission proceedings under §§ 203A and 203B of this title the Commission and the Division of the Public Advocate shall charge the public utilities involved therein, including any electric utility that is municipally owned or a municipal electric company formed pursuant to Chapter 13 of Title 22, the expenses of the Commission and the Division of the Public Advocate related to such proceedings as is reasonably attributable thereto prorated among such public utilities upon the basis of their gross intrastate electric revenues for the last preceding calendar year.

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