The rapid growth in the use of motor vehicles throughout this State and the concurrent extension of highways built or improved at public expense has lead to great changes in the extent and character of public travel. The investment of this State, municipalities and towns in good roads, parks, parkways, playgrounds and reservations, and the safety, convenience and welfare of the inhabitants have been affected.
The regulation and control of outdoor advertising signs, displays and devices of all kinds is provided for in order to promote the general welfare, especially in the particulars hereinafter recited.
The people of this State would suffer economically if the State failed to participate fully in the allocation and apportionment of federal-aid highway funds since a reduction in federal-aid highway funds would necessitate increased taxation to support and maintain the state road program and system. It is, consequently, the intention of this chapter, among other things, to provide a statutory basis for regulation of outdoor advertising consistent with the public policy relating to areas adjacent to federal-aid interstate and primary systems declared by the Congress of the United States in Title 23, United States Code.