(a) Upon arriving at a polling place, a person shall complete a Voter Eligibility Affidavit for Public School Elections attesting to the voter's eligibility to vote in the public school election and then present the aforesaid affidavit and proof of the voter's identity and address as required in § 1078 of this title to an election officer.
(b) Upon being presented an affidavit and proof of the voter's identity by a person, the election officer shall then legibly print the name of the person onto a poll list, determine whether or not the person is eligible to vote in the election, and then annotate the affidavit as to whether or not the person shall be permitted to vote. If the person does not offer reasonable proof of identity and address as required in this section, the person may be permitted to vote by majority vote of the inspector and both judges. Poll lists created as required above shall be retained by the Department of Elections that conducted the election for 1 year following the day of the election. At the end of the aforesaid year, the poll lists shall be destroyed.
(c) If the election officer determines that the person is not eligible to vote in the election, the election officer shall refer the person to the inspector and both judges. The inspector and both judges after hearing and considering evidence shall by majority vote determine whether or not to permit the person to vote. Upon making the decision, the inspector shall appropriately annotate the affidavit and poll list. If the person is not permitted to vote, the inspector shall direct the person to depart the polling place and then the inspector shall file the affidavit in the appropriate place.
(d) If a person's eligibility to vote is challenged by anyone for any reason, the inspector and both judges shall immediately hear and consider the evidence and then by majority vote decide whether or not the person is eligible to vote. Once the inspector and both judges have made their decision, there is no appeal at the polling place. The person shall either be permitted to vote, or shall not be permitted to vote and directed to depart the polling place. A person who has not been permitted to vote may appeal the decision of the inspector and both judges to the county director or, in the county director's absence, to the deputy county director for the Department of Elections conducting the election.
(e) Upon hearing the evidence of an appeal by a voter, the county director or deputy county director for the Department of Elections conducting the election shall rule on the appeal. A person whose appeal is successful shall be permitted to vote at the polling place or by absentee ballot at the Department of Elections conducting the election.