Election of Milford Special School District in 1969 for the Board of Education.

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On the regularly designated day for school board elections in the school districts of this State in the year 1969, the qualified voters of the entire Milford Special School District, as it is then constituted, shall elect 2 members of the Board of Education of Milford Special School District. The individual with the highest number of votes shall be elected for a term of 5 years. The individual with the second highest number of votes shall be elected for a term of 4 years and shall fill the vacancy created by the expiration of the term of the previously elected school board member. Both individuals shall be elected at large in the entire Milford Special School District and shall serve in addition to the 3 then incumbent previously elected school board members. Thereafter, school board members in the school district shall be elected in accordance with §§ 1051 and 1052 of this title. No fewer than 2 members shall be residents of Kent County and no fewer than 2 members residents of Sussex County.

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