(a) All proceedings before the Court and all records of such proceedings may be private except to the extent that the Court may consider publication in the public interest except as provided below in subsection (b) of this section; provided, however, that proceedings in a crime classified as a felony shall be open to the public. Proceedings may, within the Court's discretion, be informal, but shall be consistent with decorum and the law.
(b) All records concerning any child shall be made available to the Superior Court and the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families, and whenever a child is arrested, convicted or acquitted for a crime classified by Title 11 as a felony, or a class A misdemeanor for juveniles ages 13 through 17, the Clerk of the Family Court, or any state or local police authority, shall release the name and address of the child and the name of the child's parents upon request by a responsible representative of public information media.