In any matter or proceeding before the Commission, the Commission may decide the manner and method of giving notice to those persons affected by, likely to be affected by or likely to be interested in the matter or proceeding. In making this determination, the Commission shall not be governed by the provisions for notice by publication set out in §§ 10115(b) and 10124(1) of Title 29. Instead, such notice may be made by:
(1) Publication in 1 or more newspapers of general circulation;
(2) Delivery, by mail or other means, of a written notice to those directly affected, such as ratepayers or subscribers;
(3) A combination of the above 2 procedures; or
(4) Any other means which is reasonably likely to afford the affected and interested persons notice of the pendency of the matter so that they have the opportunity to present their views, such as the placement of a notice in a customer's bill.
In making its determination, the Commission may consider the nature of the proceedings, the number of persons affected or interested, the ability of alternative means to reach those affected and interested and the comparative costs of the alternative methods. When, under this chapter, a public utility is required to give notice to the public, the Commission shall set the form and manner of such notice.