Administration, maintenance, storage and labeling of epinephrine at Department of Children and Families Wilderness School. Immunity from liability.

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(a) As used in this section:

(1) “Appropriately trained” means the successful completion of (A) the training requirements for the administration of injectable medications by premeasured, commercially prepared autoinjectors prescribed by the regulations adopted pursuant to section 19a-428, and (B) training in the preceding twelve-month period conducted by a pharmacist, physician, physician assistant, advanced practice registered nurse or registered nurse to (i) identify the common causes of allergic reactions, signs and symptoms of mild and severe allergic reactions and the ways in which anaphylaxis differs from other medical conditions, and (ii) execute appropriate follow-up and reporting procedures after a child has experienced a presumed allergic reaction;

(2) “Qualified employee” means an employee who is eighteen years of age or older and is appropriately trained; and

(3) “Qualified medical professional” has the same meaning as provided in section 10-212a.

(b) Any qualified employee of the Department of Children and Families Wilderness School may administer epinephrine by a premeasured, commercially prepared autoinjector for the purpose of emergency first aid to a child enrolled in the Department of Children and Families Wilderness School who experiences a presumed allergic reaction in the absence of a written order from a qualified medical professional, provided such child's parent or guardian has previously authorized such administration in writing.

(c) The director of the Department of Children and Families Wilderness School shall maintain epinephrine in premeasured, commercially prepared autoinjectors for the purpose of emergency first aid to children who experience presumed allergic reactions and do not have a prior written order from a qualified medical professional authorizing the administration of epinephrine.

(d) The director of the Department of Children and Families Wilderness School shall ensure that (1) all epinephrine in premeasured, commercially prepared autoinjectors are stored and labeled in a manner consistent with the regulations adopted pursuant to section 19a-428; and (2) records concerning the administration of epinephrine in commercially prepared autoinjectors are maintained in a manner consistent with the regulations adopted pursuant to section 19a-428.

(e) No qualified employee administering epinephrine to a child pursuant to this section shall be liable to such child or a parent or guardian of such child for civil damages for any personal injuries that result from acts or omissions of such employee that may constitute ordinary negligence. This immunity does not apply to acts or omissions constituting gross, wilful or wanton negligence.

(P.A. 19-96, S. 1.)

History: P.A. 19-96 effective June 28, 2019.

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