An electric distribution company may submit to the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority for approval one or more plans to acquire new fuel cell electricity generation that began operation on or after July 1, 2017. Any such plan shall utilize a competitive process for the purpose of providing distribution system benefits, including, but not limited to, avoiding or deferring distribution capacity upgrades, and enhancing distribution system reliability, including, but not limited to, voltage or frequency improvements. Any such plan shall give preference to proposals that make efficient use of existing sites and supply infrastructure. In the event that the authority approves such plan, an electric distribution company may submit to the authority (1) one or more proposals to build, own and operate new fuel cell generation, (2) proposed power purchase agreements negotiated with persons to build, own and operate new fuel cell generation, or (3) proposals to provide financial incentives for the installation of combined heat and power systems powered by fuel cells, provided any such incentives shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Energy Strategy pursuant to section 16a-3d. The facilities acquired, built pursuant to said power purchase agreements and that receive said financial incentives under this section shall not exceed a total nameplate capacity rating of thirty megawatts in the aggregate. Any proposal submitted by an electric distribution company to build, own and operate a fuel cell shall include the electric distribution company's full projected costs and shall demonstrate to the authority that such facility is not supported in any form of cross subsidization by affiliated entities. The authority shall evaluate any proposal submitted pursuant to this section in a manner that is consistent with the principles of sections 16-19 and 16-19e and may approve one or more proposals if it finds that such proposal (A) was developed in a manner that is consistent with the acquisition plan approved by the authority, (B) serves the long-term interests of ratepayers, and (C) cost-effectively avoids or defers distribution system costs. The costs incurred by an electric distribution company under this section shall be recovered from all customers of the electric distribution company through a fully reconciling component of electric rates for all customers of the electric distribution company, until the electric distribution company's next rate case, at which time any costs and investments for new fuel cell generation owned by the electric distribution company pursuant to subdivision (1) of this section shall be recoverable through base distribution rates. Nothing in this section shall preclude the resale or other disposition of any energy products, capacity and associated environmental attributes purchased by the electric distribution company, provided the electric distribution company shall net the cost of payments made to projects under any long-term contracts entered into pursuant to subdivision (2) of this section against the proceeds of the sale of any energy products, capacity and environmental attributes and the difference thereof plus any net costs incurred pursuant to subdivision (3) of this section shall be credited or charged to distribution customers through a reconciling component of electric rates, as determined by the authority, that is nonbypassable when switching electric suppliers. The electric distribution company may use any energy products, capacity and environmental attributes produced by such facility to meet the needs of customers served pursuant to section 16-244c. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision (1) of subsection (h) of section 16-244c, certificates issued by the New England Power Pool Generation Information System for any Class I renewable energy source acquired pursuant to this section may be retained by the electric distribution company to meet the requirements of section 16-245a.
(P.A. 17-144, S. 1.)
History: P.A. 17-144 effective July 1, 2017.