Authority of county commissioners.

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(1) For the purposes set forth in this article, the boards of county commissioners of the several counties of the state are authorized to:

  1. Purchase or rent land for use in county agricultural research work;

  2. Purchase or rent laboratory facilities for use in county agricultural research work;

  3. Purchase or rent laboratory equipment and supplies for use in county agriculturalresearch work;

  4. Employ such management and common labor as they consider necessary to providefor the proper efficiency of the county agricultural research work;

  5. Make provision for a county agricultural research advisory committee, to serve without compensation, composed of members representing the different agricultural groups in the county and elected by such agricultural groups under such procedure and policy as the board of county commissioners may determine;

  6. Enter into cooperative agreements with the boards of county commissioners of othercounties to economically carry out the purposes of this article;

  7. Enter into cooperative agreements with the board of governors of the Colorado stateuniversity system for the assistance of Colorado state university, including all of its agencies, in the developing and financing of the projects to be included in the operations of the county agricultural research work each year;

  8. Enter into cooperative agreements through Colorado state university with the properfederal research agencies.

Source: L. 41: p. 88, § 2. CSA: C. 5, § 106. CRS 53: § 6-6-2. C.R.S. 1963: § 6-6-2. L. 2002: (1)(g) amended, p. 1247, § 22, effective August 7.

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