(1) The state department shall use a competitive request-for-proposal process to select an entity to contract with to implement recommendations of the respite care task force created in section 26-1-601. The contract with the selected entity shall end thirty days after the fourth anniversary of the date of the receipt of the contract. In order to be eligible for the contract to implement the recommendations, the entity must serve individuals affected by a disability or a chronic condition across the life span by providing and coordinating respite care and must currently have a presence in Colorado. The state department shall contract with the entity selected to implement the recommendations of the respite care task force and to carry out the responsibilities described in subsection (2) of this section. The selected entity should consult with organizations throughout the state as it works to implement the task force recommendations. The selected entity may subcontract with community partners, but, if it does so, shall identify any such subcontracting in the proposal provided to the department.
(2) The entity selected to implement the recommendations of the respite care task force shall:
(a) Ensure that a study is conducted to demonstrate the economic impact of respite care and its benefits for those served. The study should:
Provide an analysis of the populations that are caregivers and the differences betweenthose who do and do not use respite care services, including impact on caregivers;
Identify existing data and areas where additional data could be collected from thedepartment of health care policy and financing and other respite care sources to examine respite care utilization and the need for support;
Show the impact of funds spent on respite care versus funds saved in health care;
Use a consistent evaluation tool to assess the waiver respite care programs and allColorado respite care programs; and
Identify data points that the Colorado respite coalition can use to collect additionalcomplementary data from caregivers using respite care services and improve evaluation for agencies to show the effect of respite care on caregivers, identify varied needs across programs and geographic areas, and demonstrate cost savings of respite care versus institutionalization and hospitalization;
Create an up-to-date, online inventory of existing training opportunities for providingrespite care along with information on how to become a respite care provider. This inventory shall be designed so that it can be updated over time as additional training options become available. This task shall be prioritized to occur early in the period covered by the contract.
Develop a more robust statewide training system for individuals wishing to providerespite care. In doing so, the selected entity should work in partnership with nonprofits serving families in need of respite and with interested institutions of higher education. Over time, the statewide training system should ensure that:
Training is available in multiple settings and formats;
Core training elements are based on national models, use a person-centered approach, address core competencies, and are evidence-based or evidence-informed;
Multi-tiered training is available that recognizes there are different levels of carethat may be required; and
Training is available for primary caregivers.
Ensure that a designated website is available to provide comprehensive informationabout respite care in Colorado and to serve as an access point for services throughout the state;
Develop a centralized community outreach and education program about respite careservices in Colorado that includes funding for start-up and outreach costs and ongoing activities, paid staff or contractors, and the leveraging of existing resources to support the design and dissemination of messaging and marketing materials;
Work with the department of health care policy and financing to standardize the fullcontinuum of respite care options across all Medicaid waivers; and
Work with the state department, the department of health care policy and financing,and the department of public health and environment to streamline the regulatory requirements for facility-based, short-term, overnight respite care.
(3) On and after the first anniversary of the date that the contract is awarded, the state department shall include in its presentation to the legislative committees of reference as required by section 2-7-203, C.R.S., the progress of the selected entity in implementing this part 7.
Source: L. 2016: Entire part added, (HB 16-1398), ch. 305, p. 1228, § 1, effective July 1.