(1) No person shall operate any of the following sources without first obtaining a renewable operating permit from the division for such source in a manner consistent with the requirements of this article and the federal act:
Any affected source;
Any major source;
Any source required to comply with standards of performance for new stationarysources under section 111 of the federal act, unless otherwise exempted from permitting requirements pursuant to federal rules adopted in accordance with section 502 of the federal act;
Any source subject to emission standards or regulations for hazardous air pollutantsunder section 112 of the federal act, unless otherwise exempted from federal permitting requirements pursuant to federal rules adopted in accordance with section 502 of the federal act;
Any source required to have a permit pursuant to part 2 (prevention of significantdeterioration program) or part 3 (attainment program) of this article, or Part C (prevention of significant deterioration of air quality) or Part D (plan requirements for nonattainment area) of subchapter I of the federal act;
Any other source designated under federal law as requiring an operating permit.
For those sources located in the state and participating in the federal early reductionsprogram as specified in section 112 (i)(5) of the federal act, or the United States environmental protection agency's 33/50 program, or the state early reductions program as set forth in subsection (3) of this section, or any of such programs, the commission and division shall establish a system to credit emission permit fees to be established pursuant to sections 25-7114.6 and 25-7-114.7 and to be assessed against such sources at a ratio of at least two-for-one for every ton of emissions reduced pursuant to the federal early reductions program, the United States environmental protection agency's 33/50 program, or the state early reductions program. A participating source shall be offered a one-time permit fee credit of two tons for each corresponding ton of its reduced emissions that are verified by the division. The permit fee credit shall be available in the year following the year in which the early reduction in emissions is achieved.
The commission shall adopt the federal early reductions program specified in section112 (i)(5) of the federal act and promulgate a state early reductions program which shall include the following elements:
The state early reductions program shall be consistent with the federal early reductions program; and
A six-year extension of compliance for existing sources with emission standards promulgated pursuant to section 112 (d) of the federal act if the source has achieved an emission reduction of ninety percent or more of hazardous air pollutants (ninety-five percent or more for hazardous air pollutants which are particulates); and
If a source is granted a compliance extension, an alternative limitation to be established by permit to ensure continued achievement of the emission reduction; and
Sources subject to and in compliance with an enforceable commitment under thefederal and state early reductions programs shall be considered in compliance with all state regulations and requirements for hazardous air pollutants for the period of such commitment.
(4) For affected sources under Title V of the federal act:
Operating permits and requirements for permit applications, compliance plans, andmonitoring and reporting requirements shall be consistent with the provisions of Title IV as well as Title V of the federal act;
In order to ensure reliability of electric power, nothing in the requirements pertainingto renewable operating permits required by this article shall be construed as requiring termination of operations of an electric utility steam generating unit for failure to have an approved permit or compliance plan;
Nothing in this article shall be construed as affecting SO2 allowances given to sources affected under Title IV of the federal act.
Source: L. 92: Entire section added, p. 1203, § 18, effective July 1. L. 2010: (1)(c) and (1)(d) amended, (HB 10-1042), ch. 209, p. 909, § 2, effective September 1.