(1) For each fiscal year 2019-20 and 2020-21, the general assembly may appropriate one hundred thousand dollars to the state department for the implementation of this article 11.
The state department and the task force may seek, accept, and expend gifts, grants, ordonations, including in-kind donations, from private or public sources for the purposes of this article 11.
The task force may use money available pursuant to subsections (1) and (2) of thissection for the implementation of this article 11 to:
Compensate any necessary staff and consultants hired pursuant to section 25.5-11103 (6);
Pay the analyst selected pursuant to section 25.5-11-103 (5) for the costs associatedwith the development of the methodology and analyses conducted pursuant to section 25.5-11104; and
Reimburse the task force members' actual and necessary expenses in performing theirduties.
Source: L. 2019: Entire article added, (HB 19-1176), ch. 381, p. 3428, § 2, effective May 31.