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(1) The governor and executive director of the department of personnel shall cooperate with the governor-elect and the governor-elect's staff to enable the governor-elect to adequately prepare his or her policy priorities, budget recommendations, legislative program, and messages to the general assembly. To implement the provisions of this section, the governor-elect and authorized staff shall have full access to:

  1. All reports, estimates, minutes of hearings, and other information in the executivedepartment of state government pertaining to estimated revenues and the proposed executive budget for the next fiscal year or years;

  2. All information relating to the problems, policies, and plans of any department of theexecutive branch of state government;

  3. The official records of the governor's office.

Source: L. 69: p. 95, § 3. C.R.S. 1963: § 3-29-3. L. 95: IP(1) amended, p. 640, § 30, effective July 1.

Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1995 act amending the introductory portion to subsection (1), see section 112 of chapter 167, Session Laws of Colorado 1995.

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