(1) (a) Each school district shall use the full accrual basis of accounting when budgeting and accounting for any enterprise funds included in the district budget. The board of education of each school district shall cause financial records to be kept in accordance with generally accepted principles of governmental accounting. The financial transactions of the school district shall be recorded in general, appropriation, revenue, and expenditure records. Appropriate entries from the adopted budget shall be made in the records for the respective funds. Separate accounts shall be maintained for each of the several funds prescribed by this article. Continuing balances of the various budgetary accounts shall be maintained on at least a monthly basis.
(b) The board of education of each school district shall review the financial condition of said school district at least quarterly during the fiscal year. The board shall require the secretary, treasurer, or any employee who has duties which relate to the fiscal affairs of said school district to submit a financial report covering the fiscal actions involving the general fund, and other funds that the board may request, at least quarterly. At a minimum, the report shall include:
The actual amounts spent and received as of the date of the report from each of theseveral funds budgeted by the district for the fiscal year, expressed as dollar amounts and as percentages of the annual budget;
The actual amounts spent and received for each fund for the same period in thepreceding fiscal year, expressed as dollar amounts and as percentages of the annual budget;
The expected year-end fund balances, expressed as dollar amounts and as percentages of the annual budget; and
A comparison of the expected year-end fund balances with the amount budgeted forthat fiscal year.
(2) All records shall be maintained at the principal administrative offices of the school district. Accounts shall be posted and reconciled with fund resources at least monthly. Records shall be open for public inspection during reasonable business hours. The state board of education shall prescribe the minimum accounts to be maintained under the provisions of this article.
Source: L. 64: p. 627, § 2. C.R.S. 1963: § 123-33-2. L. 2003: (1) amended, p. 1284, § 4, effective July 1.