(1) A school district board of education may adopt and implement a policy whereby, except as described in subsection (3) of this section, a student enrolled in a school of the school district may possess and self-administer on school grounds, upon a school bus, or at any school-sponsored event any medication that is prescribed by a licensed health care practitioner to be used by the student.
(a) If a school district board of education adopts and implements a policy described by subsection (1) of this section, a parent or legal guardian of a student who is enrolled in a school of the school district and for whom medication is prescribed by a licensed health care practitioner shall notify the school's administration of the student's medical needs and of the fact that the student may be in possession of his or her prescribed medications as described in subsection (1) of this section. The notification, when appropriate, shall include the treatment plan that has been devised for the student by a licensed health care practitioner.
If a school's administration receives notice from a student's parent or legal guardianthat the student may be in possession of his or her prescribed medications, the school's administration shall ensure that such notice is provided to the student's teachers and the school nurse or other person who is designated to provide health services to students at the school.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the ability of a public school torequire a parent or legal guardian of a student who has medication prescribed for a lifethreatening condition to provide to the school a sufficient supply of the medication to be stored at the school to be administered to the student in the event of a health emergency.
(a) A policy adopted by a school district board of education pursuant to subsection
of this section shall include, but need not be limited to:
A process by which a school may restrict a student from possessing and selfadministering on school grounds, on a school bus, or at a school-sponsored event a medication that is prescribed by a licensed health care practitioner to be used by the student. The process shall require the school administration to make a determination as to whether a student's possession or self-administration of the medication poses a significant risk of harm to the student or to other students.
A requirement that if a student has medication prescribed for a life-threatening condition, a sufficient supply of the medication is provided to the school by the student's parent or legal guardian, stored safely at the school, and kept readily available to be administered to the student in a timely fashion in the event of a health emergency.
A student who possesses a prescribed medication on school grounds, upon a schoolbus, or at a school-sponsored event in accordance with a policy adopted by a school district pursuant to this section may possess only enough of his or her prescribed medication to render a sufficient dosage to the student to adequately treat the student's condition for a single day or for the duration of the event, whichever is appropriate; except that this provision shall not apply to a student who requires and possesses an insulin pump or other medical device that delivers dosages of prescribed medication to the student over a period of time that exceeds a single day or the duration of the event.
A student shall not possess or self-administer medical marijuana on school grounds,upon a school bus, or at any school-sponsored event, except as provided for in paragraph (d) of this subsection (3).
(I) (A) A primary caregiver may possess, and administer to a student who holds avalid recommendation for medical marijuana, medical marijuana in a nonsmokeable form upon the grounds of the preschool or primary or secondary school in which the student is enrolled, or upon a school bus or at a school-sponsored event. The primary caregiver shall not administer the nonsmokeable medical marijuana in a manner that creates disruption to the educational environment or causes exposure to other students.
(B) After the primary caregiver administers the medical marijuana in a nonsmokeable form, the primary caregiver shall remove any remaining medical marijuana in a nonsmokeable form from the grounds of the preschool or primary or secondary school, the school bus, or school-sponsored event.
Nothing in this section requires the school district staff to administer medical marijuana.
A school district board of education or charter school may adopt policies regardingwho may act as a primary caregiver pursuant to this paragraph (d) and the reasonable parameters of the administration and use of medical marijuana in a nonsmokeable form upon the grounds of the preschool or primary or secondary school in which the student is enrolled, or upon a school bus or at a school-sponsored event.
This paragraph (d) does not apply to a school district or charter school if:
The school district or charter school loses federal funding as a result of implementing this paragraph (d);
The school district or charter school can reasonably demonstrate that it lost federalfunding as a result of implementing this paragraph (d); and
The school district or charter school posts on its website in a conspicuous place astatement regarding its decision not to comply with this paragraph (d).
Student possession, use, distribution, or sale or being under the influence of a cannabinoid product inconsistent with this paragraph (d) is not permitted.
This paragraph (d) shall be known as "Jack's Law".
(d.5) (I) Medical marijuana in a nonsmokeable form shall not be administered at a school pursuant to this subsection (3)(d.5) unless a written plan for the administration of medical marijuana in a nonsmokeable form is agreed to and signed by the school principal or his or her designee and a parent or legal guardian.
(II) Prior to the administration of medical marijuana in a nonsmokeable form at school, the student's parent or legal guardian shall complete and submit to the school the documentation required by rule of the state board of education, including but not limited to:
A written medical marijuana recommendation that includes the signature of one ofthe recommending physicians and the purpose, recommended dosage, frequency, and length of time between dosages of the medical marijuana in a nonsmokeable form to be administered; and
A written statement from the student's parent or legal guardian releasing the school,and employees and volunteers of the school, from liability, except in cases of willful or wanton conduct or disregard of the criteria of the treatment plan.
(III) (A) Subject to the requirements specified in subsections (3)(d.5)(I) and (3)(d.5)(II) of this section, school personnel may possess, and administer to a student who holds a valid recommendation for medical marijuana, medical marijuana in a nonsmokeable form upon the grounds of the preschool or primary or secondary school in which the student is enrolled, or upon a school bus or at a school-sponsored event. The school personnel shall not administer the nonsmokeable medical marijuana in a manner that creates disruption to the educational environment or causes exposure to other students. If a student who is subject to the provisions of this subsection (3)(d.5) takes a school trip outside of the state of Colorado or participates in a school activity outside of the state of Colorado, the provisions of this subsection (3)(d.5) do not apply for the time during which the student is engaged in the trip or activity outside of the state of Colorado.
Nothing in this subsection (3)(d.5) requires any school personnel to administer medical marijuana. Administration of medical marijuana in a nonsmokeable form is at the discretion of the parent or legal guardian, the school principal or his or her designee, or the designated school personnel.
It is an exception from the state's criminal laws for school personnel to possess andadminister medical marijuana in a nonsmokeable form in compliance with this subsection (3)(d.5) to a student who holds a valid recommendation for medical marijuana, except as otherwise provided in section 18-18-406.3.
A school may adopt policies regarding who may act as school personnel pursuant tothis subsection (3)(d.5) and the reasonable parameters of the administration and use of medical marijuana in a nonsmokeable form upon the grounds of the preschool or primary or secondary school in which the student is enrolled, or upon a school bus or at a school-sponsored event.
This subsection (3)(d.5) does not apply to a school if:
The school loses federal funding as a result of implementing this subsection (3)(d.5);
The school can reasonably demonstrate that it lost federal funding as a result ofimplementing this subsection (3)(d.5); and
The school posts on its website in a conspicuous place a statement regarding itsdecision not to comply with this subsection (3)(d.5).
Student possession, use, distribution, or sale, or a student being under the influence,of a cannabinoid product inconsistent with this subsection (3)(d.5) is not permitted.
The student's parent, guardian, or designee shall deliver the student's medical marijuana in a nonsmokeable form, in a container that contains clearly labeled instructions or the plan for administration must clearly specify instructions for the dosing, timing, and delivery route instructions from one of the student's recommending physicians, to the person designated by the school as the person who secures the medical marijuana before the student attends school for the school day. The person who secures the medical marijuana in a nonsmokeable form shall place the medical marijuana in a locked storage container. After the school personnel administers the medical marijuana in a nonsmokeable form, the school personnel shall place the medical marijuana in a locked medical marijuana storage container designated by the school. The person who secures the medical marijuana in a nonsmokeable form shall return any unused medical marijuana to the student's parent, guardian, or designee at the end of each school day. The student shall not handle the medical marijuana in a nonsmokeable form on the grounds of the school, school bus, or school-sponsored event.
Neither this section nor any other state or federal law, including without limitationthe "Individuals with Disabilities Education Act", 20 U.S.C. sec. 1400 et seq., as amended, and section 504 of the "Rehabilitation Act of 1973", 29 U.S.C. sec. 794, as amended, may be used to require a school or any employee or volunteer thereof to store medical marijuana on the grounds of a school, school bus, or school-sponsored event or to administer medical marijuana.
For purposes of this subsection (3)(d.5), "school personnel" means school personneldesignated by agreement between the principal or his or her designee and a parent or legal guardian.
Notwithstanding the provisions of section 22-33-106 (1)(d)(II), a school district orcharter school may not discipline a student who holds a valid recommendation for medical marijuana solely because the student requires medical marijuana in a nonsmokeable form as a reasonable accommodation necessary for the child to attend school.
A school district or charter school may not deny eligibility to attend school to a student who holds a valid recommendation for medical marijuana solely because the student requires medical marijuana in a nonsmokeable form as a reasonable accommodation necessary for the child to attend school.
The state board of education may promulgate rules for the implementation of thissection.
A school district board of education that adopts a policy pursuant to subsection (1) ofthis section shall be exempt from rules promulgated by the state board of education pursuant to the "Colorado Schoolchildren's Asthma, Food Allergy, and Anaphylaxis Health Management Act", section 22-1-119.5.
Source: L. 2011: Entire section added, (SB 11-012), ch. 62, p. 161, § 2, effective March 25. L. 2015: (3)(c) amended, (SB 15-014), ch. 199, p. 688, § 9, effective May 18. L. 2016: (3)(c) amended and (3)(d), (3)(e), and (3)(f) added, (HB 16-1373), ch. 232, p. 935, § 1, effective June 6. L. 2018: (3)(d.5) added, (HB 18-1286), ch. 365, p. 2187, § 1, effective June 4.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 15-014, see section 1 of chapter 199, Session Laws of Colorado 2015.